Aerating & Seeding
One of our core lawn care services is aerating & seeding. We offer aerating & seeding every fall to promote new grass growth with deep roots. We perform core aeration which perforates your lawn. This lets air (oxygen), water, and nutrients into your soil. Aerating also helps decompress the soil. After aerating is complete, we seed with high quality turf-type grass seed. This improves your existing lawn’s density or starts a new plush lawn. Our aerating & seeding services offer complete lawn renovation. Contact us today to have a lawn you can enjoy!
Lawn Fertilization
Our main lawn care fertilization plan is a six-application program. This keeps your whole lawn healthy all year long!
- LATE WINTER/EARLY SPRING – We apply a balanced fertilizer to promote early green-up and a healthy root system, a broadleaf herbicide to curb weeds such as chickweed, clover, bitter cress, henbit, etc. and a pre-emergent to prevent germination of crabgrass.
- SPRING – We apply a slow-release fertilizer to continue growth and root development, a broadleaf herbicide to control any weeds, and pre-emergent to improve and extend crabgrass control.
- SUMMER 1 – We apply iron & micronutrients to improve drought tolerance and recovery. A special blend of natural, organic chelates aid your turf during stressful summer conditions. We also apply a broadleaf herbicide to control any weeds.
- SUMMER 2 – We apply lime to your lawn which sweetens the soil and allows fertilizer to penetrate into the soil.
- FALL – We apply a balanced fertilizer to stimulate leaf growth and grass root growth. The fall fertilizer also strengthens damaged turf. As with most of our applications we apply a broadleaf herbicide if any weeds are present. This is the best time to have us perform our aerating & seeding service!
- LATE FALL – To keep your lawn healthy through the colder months we spread a winterizing fertilizer on your lawn to improve turf vigor, supplement disease resistance and promote a nice dark green color. Applications are approximately five to eight weeks apart. If needed, you can request a service visit between applications at no charge!
Brown Patch Control
If your grass looks like it is dying, you might have Rhizoctonia Disease (brown patch). Nutri-Lawn can help control brown patch with a long lasting systemic fungicide. If you suspect brown patch in your lawn, contact us quickly! We can perform an evaluation and stop it from spreading to your healthy grass.
Tree & Shrub Care
Our lawn care services do not only include grass and turf. Trees and shrubs need care too! We fertilize ornamental trees, shrubs, and bedding plants. We perform insect control to keep your trees and shrubs from being overrun with bugs. Our tree and shrub care plan also includes disease prevention to keep all your landscaping healthy. Our tree and shrub plan offers four insect and disease applications per year. We also perform one fertilization application in the fall.
Warm Season Programs
Nutri-Lawn offers warm season fertilization programs – these programs are for grasses that go dormant in the winter months. Contact us to talk about how we can make your bermudagrass, zoysiagrass, or centipedegrass thrive!
Weed Control
Did you know there are over 80 different kinds of weeds classified in North Carolina? We include basic broadleaf weed control in our lawn fertilization program, but can also provide weed control services for stubborn grass type weeds. Got crabgrass? Let us help!
Let us keep your lawn healthy!
Fill out our form to request a free quote or call 919-848-4900 to get in touch.
Let us show you the Nutri-Lawn way of service and dedication! Contact Us today!